Basketball Rules & Regulations

A.    Team Makeup

Each team must have the following requirements completed before you are officially entered in the league. 

1.     Be registered by January 7, 2025.

2.     A $150 team fee must be paid to the Humboldt Parks & Recreation Department.

                                i.     No team will be allowed to play until that registration fee is paid.

3.     There will be no money refund to teams who drop out of the league.

4.     There is a minimum of five (5) players to a roster and maximum of 15.

                                i.     Players must be 18 years old and out of high school.

B.    General Regulations

1.     No one currently in high school or of high school age (under 18) will be permitted to play.

2.     Each team must have four (4) players on their roster present to begin play. If after warm-up is completed and the team doesn’t have enough players, they must forfeit the game. The game will not be rescheduled.

3.     Teams will not be penalized for playing with four (4) players.

4.     Forfeits are treated as a 21-point loss.

5.     No protests may be filed.

6.     Only the team captain may handle rule interpretations.

C.    Clock

1.     Each game will consist of four (4), 9-minute continuous running quarters. 


a.      Free throws

b.     The clock will stop in the last two minutes of the second and fourth quarter for a foul or if the ball goes out of bounds.  The clock will not stop in the fourth quarter if the lead is 15 points or greater. 

2.     There will be a five-minute pre-game warm-up, a three-minute half-time intermission and a minute intermission between quarters.

3.     Overtime will be three minutes in length.  The first two minutes will be continuous running clock and the last minute will be start and stop. 

4.     The clock will stop for all technical fouls and will start when the ball is put into play.

5.     Each team will be awarded two timeouts per half.

                                i.     Timeouts are thirty seconds in length.

6.     Each team will be awarded an additional time-out per each overtime.

7.     There will be injury timeouts with a stoppage from the site supervisor.

D.    Fouls

1.     Each team will be allowed five personal fouls in a half. If a team exceeds five (5) fouls, the opposing team will shoot 2 free throws on every foul for the remainder of the half.  Please inform the site supervisor which team the foul was called on so that they may keep track.

                                i.     Free throws will only be shot after teams have surpassed five (5) fouls total in a half. Before then, shooting fouls will not result in free throws.

                              ii.     Any foul committed before the bonus should be treated as a dead ball and be taken out of bounds or checked between teams.

                            iii.     Team foul totals will carry over from regulation to overtime.

2.     There will be no individual fouls kept, only team fouls.

3.     If a player receives a technical foul, the player will be ejected from the current game and suspended the next game.

                                i.     Only the on-site supervisor may call a technical foul.

4.     If a technical foul is awarded, the opposing team would shoot two free throws and be awarded possession of the ball. If technical fouls are called on members of each team, neither team will shoot free throws and play will resume as normal.

5.     If any individual, player, substitute, or spectator continually harasses the site supervisor or players, that person will be asked to leave the gym and the game will not continue until they do so.  A forfeit may be called if the situation merits the action.

                                i.      The league director may assess penalties if needed.  You may be penalized for general misconduct, harassment, flagrant or intentional foul, swearing, arguing, or unsportsmanlike conduct. 

6.     Players must call their own fouls (Offensive or Defensive). 

                                i.     Players who would have committed the foul would be the ones who make the calls. Players are expected to call their fouls fairly.

                              ii.     The site supervisor reserves the right to call fouls on the floor.

1.     This prevents games from getting out of hand and dangerous for players.

7.     The ball must leave the free throw shooter’s hand before players may enter the lane during a free throw.   

E.    Substitution

1.     Teams will be allowed to substitute after made baskets. They will need to check in to the scoring table, and play will stop while the substitutions are made. If someone enters the game without reporting in, the team will receive a warning. If they do it again the game will be stopped by the scoring table and two free throws will be awarded to the opponent. Play will then continue where it left off. 

F.     Officiating

1.     Each team will call their own fouls on offense and defense. Call your fouls fairly.

2.     There will not be officials on the court during games, players are expected to behave appropriately and treat each other with respect.

G.   Game Cancellations

In the event of inclement weather, game cancellation calls or emails will be made to captains.  

·       Please let Zach ( and the team you are scheduled against know if you cannot make it to your game.